This morning, I heard snoring, which was weird considering my husband was already at work. When I realized that it was coming from Madeline, I smiled. It sounded like a real snore, not a little kid breathing heavily. I hope it's not an indication she's getting sick, though.
This is the perfect weather for being sick. It's dark, rainy and the wind is moving probably around thirty mph right now. That's nothing to Floridians, but to Californians, that's significant.
I was sick this weekend and Richie took care of everything for me. He would have wiped my bottom if I needed him to, he's that thoughtful. I wish I had a better bedside manner. I'm no Florence Nightengale like he is.
Today's entry is kind of weak partially because, when I'm sick, I don't think as much. My body was using all of its energy to heal me. Now that I'm well (or good), trying to get the rusty wheel spinning again is going to take a lot.
Think thoughts today.
I love you...