Our daughter just turned 3 1/2 and is now fully potty trained which means that Daddy and I have no more excuses for NOT enrolling her in a preschool program. Both my husband and I are sensitive and clingy and plain just didn't want to let go. But seeing how our daughter's little face lights up whenever she has the opportunity to play with other kids her age, we knew it was necessary.
This is strictly for socialization, considering our daughter's known her alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors and animals since she was two. She can write several letters and knows how to draw rudimentary people and objects. She's more of an artist than I'll ever be. We know that she would have no problem entering kindergarten straight from our home on an educational perspective.
I know my daughter and if she didn't have a preschool experience, then I could see her going into school concerned solely with the the social aspect. She would just worry about playing, making friends and keeping them, instead of what the teacher was saying. I'm glad this will give her a chance to get her used to the novelty factor and then being around other kids will just be as normal as having Cheerios and bananas for breakfast.
So, we signed her up yesterday morning and she starts next week! Yes, my husband's leaving from work to walk her to her classroom on the first day. And yes, he will have our camcorder in his hand (and most likely a tear in his eye). I will have to be the strong one and reassure him that she'll be ok and it's for her own good. Then after he leaves to go back to work, I'll break down in the hallway and sit there the entire three hours just so I can make sure my daughter isn't bawling her head off just like me.