Of incompetence. I can't believe that the majority of people who voted for the incumbent told pollers that the most important issue to them was morality. I'm sorry if I've never seen him as a moral president. I kind of think that's an oxymoron. I guess, just like anything, morals are subjective. What are morals to one may be vices to another. I'm just venting and making little sense.
Although this whole thing is disappointing, I still have my family and my health. I've been very fortunate in that respect. Madeline's taking her morning nap in the quiet darkness that this rainy day's provided. She looks beautiful in the soft, blue light. I get my Richie back today after his excursion to the nether lands, and Christian will be with me. I really am lucky.
I love you and I can't wait for nine o'clock in the p.m..