I really enjoyed Christmas this year. Not just the day, but the entire season leading up to it. Everyday after Thanksgiving, Maddy and I listened to the Brenda Lee, Elvis and Deano Christmas CD while we ate breakfast. We usually would finish breakfast around the time Elvis was singing "Blue Christmas". Then we would start the CD over again so we could dance to the upbeat Brenda Lee songs. It was especially memorable to see Madeline dance to "Marshmallow World" with her Nana. I'm glad we have that on tape.
Christmas Eve was fun. Everyone got along, nobody pointed fingers and people just sat around and visited. The kids were spastic, as kids should be on Christmas Eve. Maddy had fun playing with her older cousins. Sasa ran around Aunt Val's house showing off his new cell phone (the ringtone was We Wish You a Merry Christmas). We sang Christmas carols and I felt like a kid again sitting next to my sister Val. She and I giggled and I caught Richie looking over at us, smiling. As usual, the food was extraordinary (Michael and Val always make great food, plus Leslie's turkey and gravy and David's pototoes were delicious).
Christmas Day at Nana's was nice, but it was the first year that Deb didn't make it. She had to work and then she got Streptococci of the throat. What gives, man? Doing dishes this year sucked, as Deb used to be my kitchen buddy and all-around nerd. Richie and I missed her geeky antics. But it was still a beautiful day because we got to see Maddy interact with her Nana and Auntie. She made them smile a lot.
No matter how old the kids get, we're going to make them participate in all the family rituals whether the like it or not. Later when they're adults, they'll realized that they actually loved it and will thank us for it. I'm not sure if Christian's going to be an arm-twisty kind of adolescent. I hope not. I think he'll always see the merit in family activities.
Anyway, when we get the Christmas pictures back, I'll post the good ones. For now, here are a couple that we got on our new digital (Thanks, Nana). I have to try and get some housework done. So many empty boxes to squash.
I love you, Richie. With all my heart.