We're trying to fill the absence her death has left in our lives. Sunday mornings are still the hardest. That is, until Christmas comes around again. It was her favorite holiday. Her face would light up when she saw her red and white tree decorated by her kids. She loved baking and Christmas carols. Marshmallow World, by Brenda Lee is one of my favorite Christmas tunes because of her. I have some wonderful memories of her singing it by herself in the kitchen, dancing while cooking and then later, singing it to our baby girl. Maddy knows some of the words and sings a long what she knows.
We will have to start new Christmas traditions of our own, for our own little family, but I have a feeling that it will mirror the one that we cherished with her.
The life cycle came around full circle when, on January 25th, we welcomed our new niece, Helena Leeann into the world. She had a rough entry into our atmosphere, but her lungs are now fully acclimated. Now that she's healthy, we can all take a deep breath and exhale!
Our family really needed baby Helena. She's a reminder of what's most important in life. Life!
My love to you all,
but especially YOU!
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