Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Dreaded Omega-3

This is just a quick post to tell Richie how proud I am of him to take those sick pills three times a day just so he can stay on this earth with us longer. He even tried to trick himself into believing they smell like tic tacs. I feel kind of bad for the guy that he is punished twice. He must be some sort of masochist to want to stick it out with us. Well, at least me.

We've been enveloped in Napoleon Dynamite quoting, Curb Your Enthusiasm (after we ran out of Arrested Developments) and meaningful exchanges on existentialism. Maddy's almost walking and doing her best with the consonant/a formations to date, including Mama and Nana. In other words, life's been great.

Coming soon...Christian's baby bathtub picture for all of TOES to see.