Monday, November 28, 2005

Mondays Are Dreary Without You

The rain is consistent today. This storm is the harbinger of indoor playtime. I can see my breath when I take Madeline outside to play. What's worse is that I can see hers. Her little nose is getting red and her hands are turning to ice. We can play in the garage for a while, before that too becomes wintery. I will resign myself to eating more pretend meatball soup and dancing to Mary Timony's Ex-Hex album (highly recommended for those with an indie-pop/rock sensibility). I will attempt to engineer fantastic block structures with the assistance of my more deconstructive than constructive daughter. She's getting there though. She's almost a contributor of society.
I get to see Sasa on Wednesday and see how his blood sugars held up over the Thanksgiving holiday. Maybe we'll get Jimboy's again if I can snag a coupon (pronounced q-pon, not coopon).
I need to get some writing done while the dragon slumbers.
I love you.

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