Thursday, July 26, 2007

Change is Good, Necessary and Inevitable...

A lot of changes in the house of Furry. The first change is the Furry Five. It's Maddy's invention which consist of a paw dap followed by a high five. She's the raddest little girl (though she drives us completely batty at times and is better than saltpeter at killing the mood).

Number two is number one: she's more or less potty-trained. It kind of happened overnight, although, we've been sitting her on the toilet morning, noon and night for the last year. It's sweet relief to me (even though in some ways it requires more work and patience). It also means we can save $10 a week on diapers (yay, more coffee! Kidding.). I think Richie's a little sad about the change because it's one of the final indications that our baby's growing into a little girl.

Number three is number nine: OUR BOY IS A FRESHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL. seems like just the other day he was starting kindergarten (maybe it's just the way he acts sometimes ;) ) Ok...I admit, I wasn't ready for this kind of change. I used to cry about him getting older sometimes, but regardless of his age, he remains my sweet, cuddly boy and our relationship is evolving in exciting new ways.

I admit, it's sweetbitter because it's more sweet than bitter. Sometimes I try to make up words or phrases hoping that they'll catch on with the general public and make me famous...this is NOT one of those words (although it's on par with the rest of my words).

I love you so much...So much, Richie.

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