Tuesday, November 01, 2005

What You Can Find in the Laundry

After Madeline eats breakfast and watches her Blue's, we go into my bathroom so I can get ready for the day. I always turn on music and we dance together in between brushing my teeth and putting on my clothes. Well, while I was spitting out toothpaste, I found Maddy digging through our dirty clothes hamper. The first thing she pulled out was a pair of my dirty underwear, which she almost instinctually put up to her nose. "No, that's gross," I said and buried it deep in the hamper. She then said, "Dadat, Dadat." I kept telling her that Daddy had to go bye bye to work in the car, but she was looking in the hamper while repeating "Dadat". I finally figured out that she wanted one of Richie's shirts. I took one out (it happened to be the scrub top that was wearing when she saw him for the first time) and spread it on the bed. She rested her head on it and said, "Nighnigh." I just about died.

So, if you every think for even one second that your daughter doesn't miss you during the day, you're wrong. Dead wrong.
Well, I should probably go write a novel. I'm doing the National Novel Writing Month thingy where people all over the nation try to write a novel in a month (in case the title wasn't implicit enough).
I love you.

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